If you would like further information about this program for teachers in Western Australia please contact the West Australian Foundation for Deaf Children (Inc) Tel: (08) 9385 3557.
Further information is also available from the RIDBC Renwick Centre website www.ridbc.org.au/renwick/index.asp. or email renwickenq@ridbc.org.au
Useful Websites
RIDBC Renwick Centre www.ridbc.org.au/renwick/
(RIDBC Renwick Centre is a Sydney based centre for research and professional studies in the field of education for children with sensory disabilities. The Centre is administered by the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children and is affliated with the University of Newcastle.)
The WA Foundation for Deaf Children www.wafdc.org.au E: (admin@wafdc.org.au)
(The WA Foundation for Deaf Children is one of Western Australia’s oldest charities. The Foundation aims to promote and support education, life skills and learning opportunities for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and young adults in Western Australia.)